Tarid Wongvorachan
Psychometrician, Education Quality and Accountability Office, Government of Ontario, Ontario, Canada.
Ph.D., Measurement, Evaluation, and Data Science
MEDS Program - Edmonton, AB, Canada (Jan 2021 - Dec 2024)
- Under supervision of Dr. Okan Bulut
M.Ed., Educational Psychology
Educational Psychology Program - Pullman, WA, USA. (Aug 2018 - May 2020)
- Under supervision of Dr. Chad Gotch
B.A., Psychology
Psychology Program - Bangkok, Thailand. (Aug 2012 - May 2016)
University of Alberta (2021 - present)
- Alberta Thai Association: Boon-oom/Banyong Scholarship (1000 CAD) Fall 2023
- University of Alberta FGSR Doctoral Recruitment Scholarship (5000 CAD) Winter 2021
Washington State University (2018-2020)
- INTO Washington State University Scholarship (3000 USD) Fall 2018
Thammasat University Graduate (2012-2016)
- Award for second-class honored
Research Interest
- Educational Measurement and Psychometrics
- Score Reporting and Educational Feedback
- Mixed Methods Research
- The Applicaiton of Artificial Intelligence to Social Science Research
- Learning Analytics
- Educational Data Mining
Peer Reviewed Journal Articles (20):
- Thampanichwat, C., Wongvorachan, T., Sirisakdi, L., Chunhajinda, P., Bunyarittikit, S., & Wongmahasiri, R. (2025). Mindful architecture from text-to-image AI perspectives: A case study of DALL-E, Midjourney, and Stable Diffusion. Buildings, 15(6), 972. https://doi.org/10.3390/buildings15060972.
He, S; Bulut, O; Cui, Y; and Wongvorachan, T. (2025). Uncovering dimensions of learning management system event logs: Insights from exploratory factor analysis, psychometric network analysis, and consensus hierarchical clustering. Chinese/English Journal of Educational Measurement and Evaluation 教育测量与评估双语期刊, 6(1), 7. - Thampanichwat, C., Wongvorachan, T., Sirisakdi, L., Somngam, P., Petlai, T., Singkham, S., Bhutdhakomut, B., & Jinjantarawong, N. (2025). The architectural language of biophilic design after architects use text-to-image AI. Buildings, 15(5), 662. https://doi.org/10.3390/buildings15050662.
- Wongmahasiri, R., Wongvorachan, T., Thampanichwat, C., & Bunyarittikit, S. (2024). Impact of wall paint solar absorptance on CO2 emissions in residential buildings: A case study from Bangkok. Buildings, 14(12), 3958. https://doi.org/10.3390/buildings14123958.
- Chobthamkit, P., Sutton, R. M., English, A. S., Wongvorachan, T., Datu, J. A. D., Chung, K. L., Tan, C., Imada, H., Ozkan, Z., Ashraf, F., Cayubit, R. F. O., Chaleeraktrakoon, T., Cheng, C., Chien, C., Ching, B. H., Fatima, I., Jiang, D., Kamble, S. V., Khan, A., … Yusoff, A. M. (2024). Belief in a just world for the self and others, karma, system justification and well-being during COVID-19 pandemic: Evidence from 15 Asian nations. Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 0(0). https://doi.org/10.1111/ajsp.12667.
- Bulut, O., Beiting-Parrish, M., Casabianca, J. M., Slater, S. C., Jiao, H., Song, D., Ormerod, C., Fabiyi, D. G., Ivan, R., Walsh, C., Rios, O., Wilson, J., Yildirim-Erbasli, S. N., Wongvorachan, T., Liu, J. X., Tan, B., & Morilova, P. (2024). The rise of artificial intelligence in educational measurement: Opportunities and ethical challenges. Chinese/English Journal of Educational Measurement and Evaluation, 5(3). https://doi.org/10.59863/MIQL7785.
- Thampanichwat, C.; Wongvorachan, T.; Bunyarittikit, S.; Chunhajinda, P.; Phaibulputhipong, P.; Wongmahasiri, R. (2024). The architectural design strategies that promote attention to foster mindfulness: A systematic review, content analysis and meta-analysis. Buildings, 14(28), 14, 2508.
- Bulut, O., Wongvorachan, T., He, S., Lee, S. (2024). Enhancing high-school dropout identification: A collaborative approach integrating human and machine insights. Discover Education, 3(109).
- Wongvorachan, T., Srisuttiyakorn, S., & Sriklaub, K. (2024). Optimizing learning: Predicting research competency via statistical proficiency. Trends in Higher Education, 3(3), 540-559.
- Wongvorachan, T., Bulut, O., Liu, J.X., Mazzullo, E. (2024). A comparison of bias mitigation techniques for educational classification tasks using supervised machine learning. Information, 15(6), 326.
- Poth, C. N., Wongvorachan, T., Bulut, O., & Otto, S. J. G. (2024). Adaptive Case Study-Mixed Methods Design Practices for Researchers Studying Complex Phenomena. Journal of Mixed Methods Research, 18(3), 292-303.
- Mazzullo, E., Bulut, O., Wongvorachan, T., & Tan, B. (2023). Learning analytics in the era of large language models. Analytics, 2(4), 877-898.
- Bulut, O., Gorgun, G., Wongvorachan, T., & Tan, B. (2023). Rapid guessing in low-stakes assessments: Finding the optimal response time threshold with random search and genetic algorithm. Algorithms, 16(2), 89.
- Wongvorachan, T., He, S., Bulut, O. (2023). A comparison of undersampling, oversampling, and SMOTE methods for dealing with imbalanced classification in educational data mining. Information, 14(1), 54.
- Wongvorachan, T., Bulut, O. (2022). Feedback generation through artificial intelligence. The Open/Technology in Education, Society, and Scholarship Association Conference Proceedings, 2(1), 1-9.
- Wongvorachan, T., Bulut, O., Tsai, Y.-S., Lindner, M.A. (2022). Improving Student Feedback Literacy in e-Assessments: A Framework for the Higher Education Context. Trends in Higher Education, 1(1), 16–29.
- Wongvorachan, T., Lai, K.W., Bulut, O., Tsai, Y. S., Chen, G. (2022). Artificial Intelligence: Transforming the Future of Feedback in Education. Journal of Applied Testing Technology, 23(1), 0-0.
- Bulut, O., Gorgun, G., Yildirim‐Erbasli, S. N., Wongvorachan, T., Daniels, L. M., Gao, Y., … & Shin, J. (2022). Standing on the shoulders of giants: Online formative assessments as the foundation for predictive learning analytics models. British Journal of Educational Technology.
- Wongvorachan, T., Clelland A., Gorgun G., Bulut, O. (2022). Identifying the Predictors of Mathematics Anxiety AND Performance in Canada: An Educational Data Mining Approach. Alberta Academic Review, 5(1), 2-2.
- Swangwiboonpong, N., Wongvorachan, T., Kiattiporn-Opas, C., Mayurasakorn, W., Thanasakulprasert, N., Taesilapasathit, C. (2016). The influence of communication methods on the perception of sadness. Journal of Behavioral Science, 23(1), 55-70.
Professional Conference Presentations (23):
- Armoush, N., Gorgun, G., Wongvorachan, T., Gierl, M., Bulut O. (2024 April) Generating and evaluating AIG items [Poster presentation]. the UAlberta Graduate Student Research in Education Conference 2024, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
- Wongvorachan, T. (2024 April). Accessible digital learning resources: A jurisdictional scan. Paper presented at the UAlberta Graduate Student Research in Education Conference 2024, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
- Bulut, O., Wongvorachan, T. (2024, March). A network psychometrics approach to evaluate the validity of the SPOT survey [Poster presentation]. the Celebration of Socially Transformative Research and Teaching, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada.
- Mazzullo, E., Bulut, O., Wongvorachan, T., & Tan, B. (2024, April). How can large language models revolutionize learning analytics? Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Council on Measurement in Education, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.
- Wongvorachan, T., Bulut, O., & Gorgun, G. (2024, April). Evaluating dimensionality in non-cognitive measures: Exploratory vs. hierarchical exploratory graph analysis. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Council on Measurement in Education, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.
- Wongvorachan, T., Bulut, O., Gorgun, G., Tan, B. (2023 April 12-15). Random Search Algorithm to Identify Response Time Thresholds for Rapid Guessing [Conference Session]. 2023 National Council on Measurement in Education (NCME) Annual Meeting. Presented at Chicago, Illinois, USA.
- Gorgun, G., Tan, B., Wongvorachan, T., Bulut, O. (2023 April 12-15). Predicting item difficulty from students’ response behaviors. In T. Shuqin (chair), Predicting item difficulty and response latencies. [Symposium] 2023 National Council on Measurement in Education (NCME) Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
- Tan, B., Bulut, O., Gorgun, G., Wongvorachan, T. (2023 April 12-15). Mining textual features of questions to predict item parameters [Conference Session]. 2023 National Council on Measurement in Education (NCME) Annual Meeting. Presented at Chicago, Illinois, USA.
- He, S., Wongvorachan, T., Bulut, O., Lai, K.W. (2023 April 12-15). Identifying early warning indicators for high school dropouts. In Z. Xiuyuan (chair), Using eye movement and natural language processing to inform various decisions. [Symposium] 2023 National Council on Measurement in Education (NCME) Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
- Gorgun, G., Bulut ,O., Wongvorachan, T. (2023 April 12-15). Detecting rapid guessing: In search of The optimal response time threshold. In U. Esther., R. Joseph (chair), Methodological advances in detecting and accounting for noneffortful responding. [Symposium] 2023 National Council on Measurement in Education (NCME) Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
- Wongvorachan, T., He, S., Lai, K.W., Bulut, O. (2023 April 12-15). A comparison of sampling methods for imbalanced classifications in educational datasets [Conference Session]. 2023 National Council on Measurement in Education (NCME) Annual Meeting. Presented at Chicago, Illinois, USA.
- Bulut, O., Gorgun, G., Tan, B., Wongvorachan, T., Yildirim-Erbasli, S., & Clelland, A. (2023, June). Self-regulated learning through online formative assessments: The effects of assessment frequency and participation on student performance[Paper presentation]. the annual meeting of the International Society of the Learning Sciences, Montréal, QC.
- Wongvorachan, T., Poth, C., Bulut, O., Otto, S. (2022 August 4th), Leveraging Open Data Sources in Mixed Methods Research [Paper presentation]. 2022 Mixed methods international research association (MMIRA) Global Virtual Conference. Virtual.
- Wongvorachan, T., Bulut, O. (2022, May 17th). Feedback Generation through Artificial Intelligence [Conference Session]. Open Technology in Education, Society, and Scholarship Association (OTESSA) 2022 Conference. Presented at University of Victoria, Greater Victoria, BC, Canada.
- Wongvorachan, T., Clelland, A., Gorgun, G., Bulut, O. (2022, Apr 30th). Identifying the Predictors of Mathematics Anxiety AND Performance in Canada: An Educational Data Mining Approach [Conference Session]. the 14th Annual Graduate Student Research Showcase: Exploring horizons. Presented at University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada.
- Bulut, O., Nur Yildirim Erbasli, S., Gorgun, G., Gao, Y., Wongvorachan, T., Lai, K.W., Shin, J. (2022 March 21st). Leveraging Online Formative Assessments to Enhance Predictive Learning Analytics Models [Conference Session]. The 12th International Learning Analytics and Knowledge Conference (LAK22). Presented at University of California, Irvine, CA, USA.
- Wongvorachan, T., Lai, K.W., Bulut, O., Tsai, Y.S., Chen, G. (2022, February 18th). The Application of Artificial Intelligence in Educational Feedback [Poster presentation]. Reverse Expo 2022. Presented at University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada.
- Wongvorachan, T., Lai, K., Bukut, O., & Tsai, Y. (2022, January 28th). Feedback Literacy Framework in the E-Assessment Context [Poster presentation]. Advancing Assessment and Evaluation Virtual Conference: Queen’s University Assessment and Evaluation Group (AEG) and Educational Testing Services (ETS), Kingston, Ontario, Canada.
- Bulut , O., Gorgun, G., Nur Yildirim Erbasli, S., Wongvorachan, T. (2021, July 5th). Generating Effective Feedback from Online Assessments [Conference session]. Festival of Teaching and Learning 2021: Teaching through transition. Presented at University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada.
- Wongvorachan, T. (2020, March, 26th). Cheating detection in tests: A systematic review [Poster presentation]. Washington State University academic showcase. Washington State University, Pullman, WA, USA. (Showcase canceled).
- Wongvorachan, T. (2020, March, 7th). An integrative exploration of inequity-driven cheating behavior in marginalized people [Conference session]. Washington State University interdisciplinary graduate social justice conference (WSU SJCON). Presented at Washington State University, Pullman, WA, USA.
- Wongvorachan, T. (2019, October, 14th). Cheating behavior in large-scale assessment [Conference session]. Presented at the Research on Psychometrics & Applied Statistics (RPAS) Conference. Presented at University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA.
- Swangwiboonpong, N., Wongvorachan, T., Kiattiporn-Opas, C., Mayurasakorn, W., Thanasakulprasert, N., Taesilapasathit, C. (2016, July. 8th-9th). The influence of communication methods on the perception of sadness [Conference session]. Thailand National Conference on Psychology: Empowering people in the world of change (TNCP 2016). Presented at Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand.
Preprint Articles and Projects (4):
- Wongvorachan, T. (2023). The impact of classroom competition and cooperation to student academic performance. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/7vugd
- Wongvorachan, T. (2021). Review of Rorschach Ink-Blot Test: Performance Assessment System (R-PAS®). PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/jts4z
- Wongvorachan, T. (2020). Cheating behavior in high-stakes test: A synthesis statement. [Unpublished Master’s final project]. Washington State University.
- Wongvorachan, T. (2019). Cheating detection in tests: A systematic review. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/uc5hj
Forthcoming Publications- In Preparation (1):
- Clelland, A., Wongvorachan T., Gorgun, G., Bulut, O. (In preparation). The ethical use of artificial intelligence in education: A systematic review.
Peer Reviewer (9):
- Canadian Society for the Study of Education 52nd Annual Conference (2024)
- National Council of Measurement in Education 2024 Annual Meeting Conference (2023)
- Patterns (2023)
- The Open/Technology in Education, Society, and Scholarship Association Conference (2023)
- International Society of the Learning Sciences 2023 Annual Meeting (2022)
- National Council of Measurement in Education 2023 Annual Meeting Conference (2022)
- Journal of Mixed Methods Research (2022)
- Alberta Journal of Educational Research (2021 - 2022)
- The 14th Annual Graduate Research Showcase of Elementary/Secondary Graduate Students’ Association (2022)
Acknowledged Contribution (2):
- Chobthamkit, P., Sutton, R. M., Uskul, A. K., & Chaleeraktrakoon, T. (2022). Personal Versus General Belief in a Just World, Karma, and Well-Being: Evidence from Thailand and the UK. Social Justice Research, 1-22. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11211-022-00393-4
- Poth, C. N., Molina-Azorin, J. F., & Fetters, M. D. (2022). Virtual Special Issue on “Design of Mixed Methods Research: Past Advancements, Present Conversations, and Future Possibilities.” Journal of Mixed Methods Research. https://doi.org/10.1177/15586898221110375
Invited Talks (6):
- Wongvorachan T. (2025, January 22nd and 24th). Analyzing Large-Scale Survey Data with Data Science Techniques. Open lecture. Faculty of Psychology, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand.
- Wongvorachan T. (2024, August 28th). Mastering the art of literature review: Navigating research landscapes and uncovering your next big idea. Open lecture. Faculty of Education, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand.
- Wongvorachan T. (2023, September 23). Introduction to Qualitative-oriented Mixed Methods Research. EDHS 597 Qualitative Research Methodologies in Health Science Education. Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine, University of Alberta, Canada.
- Wongvorachan, T. (2023 June 18). Stress management in everyday lives. Sansarang Gallery, Nakhon Si Thammarat, Thailand.
- Wongvorachan, T. (2023 March 28). Introduction to mixed methods research. REHAB 601: Research design in rehabilitation science. Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine, University of Alberta, Canada.
- Wongvorachan, T. (2022 April 1). Utilizing open data with mixed methods research. Mixed methods approaches to educational research. Department of Educational Psychology, University of Alberta, Canada.
Community Service (6):
- Steering committee members (2024). UAlberta Graduate Student Research in Education Conference 2024. University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
- Social science judge. Festival of Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities 2024. University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
- Research method and statistics consultant (2023-2024). Ubekka Juvenile Detention Center. Government of Thailand, Nakhon Pathom, Thailand.
- Research method and statistics consultant (2023-2024). ASK CRAME sessions. Faculty of Education. University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
- Social science judge. Festival of Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities 2023. University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
- 48th President of Psychology Student Council (2012-2016 term). Thammasat University, Bangkok, Thailand.
Graduate Research Assistant
- Informing EDII Mixed Methods Research Editorial Praxis: An Exploration of the Lived Experiences of Handbook Authors (Spring 2022, Summer 2022), Educational Psychology Department, University of Alberta, Canada.
- Assisted in the development of a survey.
- Conducted quantitative analyses to support the development of the survey.
- Teacher and School Leader Hope Scale Development (Spring 2022, Summer 2022), Counseling Psychology Department, University of Alberta, Canada.
- Organized and submitted an institutional review board application.
- Conducted quantitative analyses to support the development of the scales.
- Identifying the Predictors of Mathematics Anxiety, Confidence, and Performance in Canada: An Educational Data Mining Approach (Fall 2022, Winter 2023, Fall 2023), Educational Psychology Department, University of Alberta, Canada.
- Cleaned the dataset to prepare for the predictive analysis.
- Performed predictive analyses with machine learning models.
- Conducted extensive literature review on subject matter.
- Assisted in the preparation of proposal for grant submission.
- Contributed to the design of the research project.
- Student Perception of Teaching (SPOT) Survey Development (Summer 2022), Educational Psychology Department, University of Alberta, Canada.
- Coordinate with several student organizing bodies (e.g., student union, international student association, educational student association, graduate student association)
- Engaged in qualitative data collection
- Developed test item candidates for the survey
- Performed psychometric property analysis
- Data Mining of Public Health Briefings: A Mixed Methods Study of wave 2 to wave 6 of COVID-19 (Fall 2021, Spring 2022), Educational Psychology Department, University of Alberta, Canada.
- Engaged in qualitative data mining of public health briefings
- Engaged in quantitative data mining of COVID-19 provincial case statistics
- Developed a key-event timeline of Alberta public health response from news search
- Performed sentiment analysis and topic modeling with COVID-19-related textual data from public health briefing transcripts and Twitter postings
- Identified periods of fluctuation in Alberta public health data across waves of COVID-19 pandemic with mixed methods findings
Undergraduate Research Assistant
- Worldviews and Well-being Cross-Cultural Research Project (2016), Department of Psychology, TU, Thailand; School of Psychology, University of Kent, United Kingdom.
- Engaged in qualitative interview
- Conducted data management and organization
- Performed qualitative coding
- Cross-Cultural Research Project on Consumer Culture Values identity Processes, Mindfulness, and Well-being (2016), Department of Psychology, Thammasat University, Thailand; School of Psychology, University of Kent, United Kingdom.
- Engaged in qualitative interview
- Conducted data management and organization
- Performed qualitative coding
- Rorschach Ink-Blot test: Thai Translation Project (2016), Psychology Department, Thammasat University, Thailand.
- Trained as a test user and test reviewer
- Translated the test manual from English to Thai
- MMPI-2-RF Thai Translation Development: Phase1- Translation, and Validity and Reliability of MMPI-2-RF Thai Version (2016), Psychology Department, Thammasat University, Thailand.
- Trained as a test user and test reviewer
- Engaged in quantitative data collection for both English and Thai versions of the test
- Assisted in the development of raw score conversion software (Microsoft Excel)
- Performed data analysis using SPSS
- MMPI-2-RF Thai Translation Development: Phase2- Normative Data Collection and Standardization of MMPI-2-RF Thai Version (2016-2017), Psychology Department, Thammasat University, Thailand.
- Engaged in quantitative data collection
- Conducted quantitative data management, cleaning, and organization
- Performed data analysis using SPSS
- A research project on the impact of plot relation and violent cues on brand placement in games:
Measure of brand recognition, attitude, and selection (2016-2017), Psychology Department,
Thammasat University, Thailand.
- Developed a quantitative data collection survey
- Recruited participants
- Engaged in quantitative data collection
- Conducted quantitative data management, cleaning, and organization
- McCrudden, M. (2019). Mixed methods research workshop. Workshop attended at the Learning and Performance Research Center (LPRC), Washington State University, Pullman, WA, USA.
- Certificate of Professional Data Scientist, Datacamp, 2025.
- Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI), Kaggle, 2022
- Datacamp Data Analyst with R career track certificate, Datacamp, 2022
- Datacamp Data Analyst with Python career track certificate, Datacamp, 2022
- Datacamp Machine Learning Scientist with R career track certificate, Datacamp, 2022
- Datacamp Data Scientist with Python career track certificate, Datacamp, 2021
- Datacamp Data Scientist with R career track certificate, Datacamp, 2021
- Datacamp Machine Learning Scientist with Python career track certificate, Datacamp, 2021
- Datacamp Statistician with R career track certificate, Datacamp, 2021
- Datacamp Natural Language Processing in Python skill track certificate, Datacamp, 2021
- Datacamp Deep Learning in Python skill track certificate, Datacamp, 2021
- Datacamp SQL Fundamentals skill track certificate, Datacamp, 2024
- Datacamp Power BI Fundamentals skill track certificate, Datacamp, 2024
- Principal Instructor, .
- Faculty of Education, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand:
- 2758701: Learning Analytics in Education (2024)
- 2758706: Data Analytics for Educational Decision Making (2025)
- 2758701: Learning Analytics in Education (2024)
- Department of Educational Psychology, University of Alberta, Canada:
- EDPY 303: Educational Assessment (Fall 2024, Winter 2023, 2024)
- EDPY 303: Educational Assessment (Fall 2024, Winter 2023, 2024)
- Faculty of Education, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand:
- Graduate Teaching Assistant, Department of Educational Psychology, University of Alberta, Canada.
- Assisted faculty with the following courses:
- EDPY 303: Educational Assessment (Winter 2021, Fall 2021, Winter 2022, Fall 2022, Fall 2023)
- EDPY 303: Educational Assessment (Winter 2021, Fall 2021, Winter 2022, Fall 2022, Fall 2023)
- Assisted faculty with the following courses:
- Tutor in Educational Psychology (2019 - 2020), Intensive American Language Center (IALC), Washington State University, USA.
- Nominated by the department of kinesiology and educational psychology to assist international students (undergraduate and graduate level) in learning academic English as well as the following courses:
- ED_PSYCH 502: Learning & Instructions
- ED_PSYCH 505: Research Methods I
- ED_PSYCH 507: Introduction to Qualitative Research
- ED_PSYCH 508: Educational Statistics
- ED_PSYCH 509: Educational Measurement, Test Development and Assessment
- ED_PSYCH 521: Indigenous Epistemology and Methodology
- ED_PSYCH 570: Introduction to Program Evaluation
- ED_PSYCH 572: Introduction to Systematic Literature Reviews and Meta Analyses
- ED_PSYCH 573: Motivation Theories
- ED_RES 565: Quantitative Methods
- Nominated by the department of kinesiology and educational psychology to assist international students (undergraduate and graduate level) in learning academic English as well as the following courses:
- Undergraduate Teaching Assistant (2016), Psychology Department, Thammasat University, Thailand.
- Assisted faculty with the following courses:
- PY 211:General Psychology
- PY 212: Virtual Psychology, Ethics, and Societal Responsibility
- Proctored quizzes and graded papers
- Assisted faculty with the following courses:
- Psychometrician (2024 - Present), Education Quality and Accountability Office, Government of Ontario, Ontario, Canada.
- Supported the development and maintenance of standardized testing programs to uphold educational accountability.
- Ensured data accuracy and integrity within live operational test environments through meticulous data checks.
- Conducted User Acceptance Testing (UAT) for test windows, demonstrating exceptional attention to detail.
- Translated complex technical results into clear, actionable insights for non-technical stakeholders, fostering cross-functional understanding and collaboration.
- Delivered psychometric training to non-technical stakeholders, including directors and educational officers, to enhance program knowledge and operational effectiveness.
- Conducted data science tasks as a cross-functional collaborator, validating the analyses performed by data analysts to ensure the accuracy and quality of results.
- Graduate Student Research Assistant (2024), STEM, Careers, and Indigenous Curriculum sector, Alberta Education, Edmonton, AB, Canada.
- Conducted jurisdictional scans to support curriculum development.
- Extracted provincial-level insights from an international level educational dataset (PISA).
- Prepared and maintained high-level research report.
- Graduate Student Research Assistant (2023), Learning & Teaching Resource Sector, Alberta Education, Edmonton, AB, Canada.
- Conducted literature review to support decisions for policy making
- Conducted a scoping review and environmental scan for the issue of accessibility in digital learning resources
- Prepared and maintained high-level research report
- Student Evaluator (2022), The Evaluation group, Audit and Evaluation Branch, Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA), Ottawa, ON, Canada.
- Developed tools for data collection and data integrity maintenance
- Conducted research on evaluation-related topics
- Summarized, analyzed, interpreted and evaluated data from evaluation activities
- Participated in the identification of issues for root causes and effects
- Formulated evaluation conclusions and recommendations
- Prepared and maintained written evaluation report
- Test taker assistance for GED exams (2021), Universal Exam Solution, Edmonton, AB, Canada.
- Trained as a professional assistance in standardized exams for test-takers with accommodation needs
- Trained as a professional assistance in standardized exams for test-takers with accommodation needs
- Booze, Sex, and Reality Check Workshop Facilitator (2019), Cougar Health Services, Washington State University, WA, USA.
- Trained as a professional health educator
- Facilitate outreach workshop to freshmen and transfer students under the age of 21
- Clinical Psychologist Intern – 400+ hours (2015), Sritanya Psychiatric Hospital, Nonthaburi, Thailand.
- Performed psychotherapy (individual and group)
- Performed psychological assessment as prescribed by psychiatrists
- Assisted multidisciplinary professional teams in crisis intervention
- Mixed Methods International Research Association (MMIRA) (2022-present)
- National Council of Measurement in Education (NCME) (2021-Present)
- The E-assessment Association (eAA) (2021-Present)
- American Psychological Association: Division 15 (APA Div15) (2018-Present)
- Languages
- Fluent in Thai and English (Oral & Written)
- Fluent in Thai and English (Oral & Written)
- Research/Statistics
- Statistical Packages for Social Sciences (SPSS)
- Descriptive Statistics
- Inferential Statistics
- R Programming (including GUI software such as JASP and Jamovi)
- Quantitative data management, analysis, and visualization
- Qualitative coding and network visualization
- Descriptive statistics and data screening
- Inferential statistics and model building
- Data mining
- Supervised machine learning models
- Unsupervised machine learning models
- Anomaly detection
- Python
- Quantitative data management, analysis, and visualization
- Data mining
- Supervised machine learning models
- Unsupervised machine learning models
- Natural language processing (NLP)
- Deep learning (Tensorflow2 and Keras)
- Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI)
- Dataset extraction from relaitonal database
- Queries specification
- Filtering
- Aggregating
- Sorting and Grouping
- Joining
- Power BI
- Data Visualization
- Data Analysis Expression (DAX)
- Data preparation and modeling
- QDA Miner
- Database scraping from social media (i.e., Facebook, Reddit, RSS, Twitter, and Youtube)
- Qualitative coding with textual data
- Patterns visualization with textual data
- WordStat
- Text Mining
- Social Network Analysis
- Dictionary Building
- Text Classification
- Zotero Reference Manager
- Literature Indexing
- Citation Management
- Covidence Systematic Review Manager
- Database exploration
- Literature screening (Title, Abstract, and Full-text)
- Data extraction
- Risk of Bias Assessment
- For programming portfolio, see my blog
- Statistical Packages for Social Sciences (SPSS)