Data Exploration with ggstatsplot

R Statistics

In this post, I will be performing and visualizing data exploration techniques such as Pearson’s correlation test, Chi-square Goodness of Fit test, Chi-square Test of Independence, One-sample t-test, and Paired-sample t-test.

(8 min read)

Tarid Wongvorachan (University of Alberta)

It’s been a while, eh?

Data Preprocessing and Assumption Check

Show code
Show code
df <- read.csv("student-mat.csv", header = TRUE)

df <- df %>% %>%
  mutate(across(c(sex, address, schoolsup, famsup), as.factor))

#drop variable

df_clean <- df %>% select (c(sex, address, schoolsup, famsup, G1, G3))
Show code

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Show code
           vars   n  mean   sd median trimmed  mad min max range
sex*          1 395  1.47 0.50      1    1.47 0.00   1   2     1
address*      2 395  1.78 0.42      2    1.85 0.00   1   2     1
schoolsup*    3 395  1.13 0.34      1    1.04 0.00   1   2     1
famsup*       4 395  1.61 0.49      2    1.64 0.00   1   2     1
G1            5 395 10.91 3.32     11   10.80 4.45   3  19    16
G3            6 395 10.42 4.58     11   10.84 4.45   0  20    20
            skew kurtosis   se
sex*        0.11    -1.99 0.03
address*   -1.33    -0.24 0.02
schoolsup*  2.20     2.86 0.02
famsup*    -0.46    -1.79 0.02
G1          0.24    -0.71 0.17
G3         -0.73     0.37 0.23
Show code

Show code
df_clean %>% 
  group_by(sex) %>%
[1] sex        address    schoolsup  famsup     G1         G3        
[7] is.outlier is.extreme
<0 rows> (or 0-length row.names)

Scatter plot - Pearson’s correlation test

Show code

  data = df_clean, 
  x = G1, 
  y = G3, 
  type = "parametric",            # type of test that needs to be run
  conf.level = 0.95,
  title = "Correlation Test",
  xlab = "First period grade",       # label for x axis
  ylab = "Final grade",              # label for y axis 
  line.color = "blue", 
  messages = FALSE,
  label.var = famsup,
  label.expression = G3 >= 19)+
  ggplot2::theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))

Pie Chart - Chi-Square test

Show code

  data = df_clean,
  x = famsup,
  type = "parametric",
  ratio = c(0.50,0.50),
  messages = FALSE,
  paired = FALSE, #Logical indicating whether data came from a within-subjects or repeated measures design study
  conf.level = 0.95,
  title = "Chi-Square Goodness of Fit Test"
  ggplot2::theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))

Show code

  data = df_clean,
  x = famsup,
  y = schoolsup,
  type = "parametric",
  ratio = c(0.50,0.50),
  messages = FALSE,
  paired = FALSE, #Logical indicating whether data came from a within-subjects or repeated measures design study
  conf.level = 0.95,
  title = "Chi-Square Test of Independence"
  ggplot2::theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))

Histogram - One Sample t-test

Show code

  data = df_clean,
  x = G3,
  title = "Distribution of Final Grade",
  centrality.type = "parametric",    # one sample t-test
  test.value = 10,                    
  effsize.type = "d",         
  xlab = "Students' Final score",
  ylab = "Number of Student",
  centrality.para = "mean",          # which measure of central tendency is to be plotted
  normal.curve = TRUE,
  binwidth = 1,                   # binwidth value (needs to be toyed around with until you find the best one)
  messages = FALSE                   # turn off the messages
  ggplot2::theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))

Violin plot - Dependent Sample t-test

Show code
df_long <- df_clean %>% pivot_longer(cols=c('G1', 'G3'),
Show code
# for reproducibility

  data = df_long, 
  x = Measure_point, 
  y = Scores,
  type = "parametric", # type of statistical test
  xlab = "Period of testing",
  ylab = "Students' score",
  pairwise.comparisons = TRUE, 
  sphericity.correction = FALSE, ## don't display sphericity corrected dfs and p-values
  outlier.tagging = TRUE, ## whether outliers should be flagged
  outlier.label = address, ## label to attach to outlier values
  outlier.label.color = "green", ## outlier point label color
  mean.plotting = TRUE, ## whether the mean is to be displayed
  mean.color = "darkblue", ## color for mean
  title = "Comparison of students' score")+
  ggplot2::theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))



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For attribution, please cite this work as

Wongvorachan (2022, Dec. 31). Tarid Wongvorachan: Data Exploration with ggstatsplot. Retrieved from

BibTeX citation

  author = {Wongvorachan, Tarid},
  title = {Tarid Wongvorachan: Data Exploration with ggstatsplot},
  url = {},
  year = {2022}