Item Response Theory

R Psychometric

In this post, I will be examining characteristics of test items based on the Item Response Theory framework.

(18 min read)

Tarid Wongvorachan (University of Alberta)

Introduction to Item Response Theory

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Descriptive statistics for the 'LSAT' data-set

 5 items and 1000 sample units; 0 missing values

Proportions for each level of response:
           0     1  logit
Item 1 0.076 0.924 2.4980
Item 2 0.291 0.709 0.8905
Item 3 0.447 0.553 0.2128
Item 4 0.237 0.763 1.1692
Item 5 0.130 0.870 1.9010

Frequencies of total scores:
     0  1  2   3   4   5
Freq 3 20 85 237 357 298

Point Biserial correlation with Total Score:
       Included Excluded
Item 1   0.3620   0.1128
Item 2   0.5668   0.1532
Item 3   0.6184   0.1728
Item 4   0.5344   0.1444
Item 5   0.4354   0.1216

Cronbach's alpha:
All Items        0.2950
Excluding Item 1 0.2754
Excluding Item 2 0.2376
Excluding Item 3 0.2168
Excluding Item 4 0.2459
Excluding Item 5 0.2663

Pairwise Associations:
   Item i Item j p.value
1       1      5   0.565
2       1      4   0.208
3       3      5   0.113
4       2      4   0.059
5       1      2   0.028
6       2      5   0.009
7       1      3   0.003
8       4      5   0.002
9       3      4   7e-04
10      2      3   4e-04

Dichotomous Item

Rasch Model (1PL)

Show code
mod_rasch <- rasch(LSAT, constraint = cbind(length(LSAT) + 1, 1))


rasch(data = LSAT, constraint = cbind(length(LSAT) + 1, 1))

Model Summary:
   log.Lik      AIC      BIC
 -2473.054 4956.108 4980.646

                value std.err   z.vals
Dffclt.Item 1 -2.8720  0.1287 -22.3066
Dffclt.Item 2 -1.0630  0.0821 -12.9458
Dffclt.Item 3 -0.2576  0.0766  -3.3635
Dffclt.Item 4 -1.3881  0.0865 -16.0478
Dffclt.Item 5 -2.2188  0.1048 -21.1660
Dscrmn         1.0000      NA       NA

method: Gauss-Hermite
quadrature points: 21 

Convergence: 0 
max(|grad|): 6.3e-05 
quasi-Newton: BFGS 
Show code
coef(mod_rasch, prob = TRUE, order = TRUE)
           Dffclt Dscrmn P(x=1|z=0)
Item 1 -2.8719712      1  0.9464434
Item 5 -2.2187785      1  0.9019232
Item 4 -1.3880588      1  0.8002822
Item 2 -1.0630294      1  0.7432690
Item 3 -0.2576109      1  0.5640489
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GoF.rasch(mod_rasch, B = 199) # B = Bootstrap sample

Bootstrap Goodness-of-Fit using Pearson chi-squared

rasch(data = LSAT, constraint = cbind(length(LSAT) + 1, 1))

Tobs: 30.6 
# data-sets: 200 
p-value: 0.225 
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rasch(data = LSAT, constraint = cbind(length(LSAT) + 1, 1))

Fit on the Two-Way Margins

Response: (0,0)
  Item i Item j Obs   Exp (O-E)^2/E  
1      2      4  81 98.69      3.17  
2      1      5  12 18.45      2.25  
3      3      5  67 80.04      2.12  

Response: (1,0)
  Item i Item j Obs    Exp (O-E)^2/E  
1      3      5  63  51.62      2.51  
2      2      4 156 139.78      1.88  
3      3      4 108  99.42      0.74  

Response: (0,1)
  Item i Item j Obs    Exp (O-E)^2/E  
1      2      4 210 193.47      1.41  
2      2      3 135 125.07      0.79  
3      1      4  53  47.24      0.70  

Response: (1,1)
  Item i Item j Obs    Exp (O-E)^2/E  
1      2      4 553 568.06      0.40  
2      3      5 490 501.43      0.26  
3      2      3 418 427.98      0.23  
Show code
margins(mod_rasch, type = "three-way", nprint = 2) #nprint returns 2 highest residual values for each combinations

rasch(data = LSAT, constraint = cbind(length(LSAT) + 1, 1))

Fit on the Three-Way Margins

Response: (0,0,0)
  Item i Item j Item k Obs   Exp (O-E)^2/E    
1      2      3      4  48 66.07      4.94 ***
2      1      3      5   6 13.58      4.23 ***

Response: (1,0,0)
  Item i Item j Item k Obs   Exp (O-E)^2/E  
1      1      2      4  70 82.01      1.76  
2      2      4      5  28 22.75      1.21  

Response: (0,1,0)
  Item i Item j Item k Obs   Exp (O-E)^2/E  
1      1      2      5   3  7.73      2.90  
2      3      4      5  37 45.58      1.61  

Response: (1,1,0)
  Item i Item j Item k Obs    Exp (O-E)^2/E  
1      3      4      5  48  36.91      3.33  
2      1      2      4 144 126.35      2.47  

Response: (0,0,1)
  Item i Item j Item k Obs   Exp (O-E)^2/E  
1      1      3      5  41 34.58      1.19  
2      2      4      5  64 72.26      0.94  

Response: (1,0,1)
  Item i Item j Item k Obs    Exp (O-E)^2/E  
1      1      2      4 190 174.87      1.31  
2      1      2      3 126 114.66      1.12  

Response: (0,1,1)
  Item i Item j Item k Obs   Exp (O-E)^2/E  
1      1      2      5  42 34.35      1.70  
2      1      4      5  46 38.23      1.58  

Response: (1,1,1)
  Item i Item j Item k Obs    Exp (O-E)^2/E  
1      3      4      5 397 416.73      0.93  
2      2      3      4 343 361.18      0.91  

'***' denotes a chi-squared residual greater than 3.5 
Show code
mod_1pl <- rasch(LSAT, constraint = NULL)
Show code
par(mfrow = c(2, 3))

plot(mod_1pl, type=c("ICC"), 
     legend = TRUE, cx = "bottomright", lwd = 2, 
     cex.main = 1.5, cex.lab = 1.3, cex = 0.6, main = "1PL Item Characteristics Curve")

     legend = TRUE, cx = "topright", lwd = 2,
     cex.main = 1.5, cex.lab = 1.3, cex = 0.6, main = "1PL Item Information Curve")

plot(mod_1pl,type=c("IIC"),items=c(0), lwd = 2,
     cex.main = 1.5, cex.lab = 1.3, cex = 0.6, main = "Test Information Function")

plot(0:1, 0:1, type = "n", ann = FALSE, axes = FALSE)
info1 <- information(mod_1pl, c(-4, 0)) #Item information on the negative area of theta (-4 to 0)
info2 <- information(mod_1pl, c(0, 4)) #Item information on the positive area of theta (0 to 4)
text(0.5, 0.5, labels = paste("Total Information:", round(info1$InfoTotal, 3),
                               "\n\nInformation in (-4, 0):", round(info1$InfoRange, 3),
                               paste("(", round(100 * info1$PropRange, 2), "%)", sep = ""),
                               "\n\nInformation in (0, 4):", round(info2$InfoRange, 3),
                               paste("(", round(100 * info2$PropRange, 2), "%)", sep = "")))

   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
-1.9104 -0.9594 -0.4660 -0.6867 -0.4660  0.5930 
Show code
plot(theta.rasch, main = "Latent Ability of the Examinee")

unitest_1pl <- unidimTest(mod_1pl,LSAT)
plot(unitest_1pl, type = "b", pch = 1:2, main = "Modified Parallel Analysis Plot")
legend("topright", c("Real Data", "Average Simulated Data"), lty = 1, 
    pch = 1:2, col = 1:2, bty = "n")

Show code

Unidimensionality Check using Modified Parallel Analysis

rasch(data = LSAT, constraint = NULL)

Matrix of tertachoric correlations
       Item 1 Item 2 Item 3 Item 4 Item 5
Item 1 1.0000 0.1703 0.2275 0.1072 0.0665
Item 2 0.1703 1.0000 0.1891 0.1111 0.1724
Item 3 0.2275 0.1891 1.0000 0.1867 0.1055
Item 4 0.1072 0.1111 0.1867 1.0000 0.2009
Item 5 0.0665 0.1724 0.1055 0.2009 1.0000

Alternative hypothesis: the second eigenvalue of the observed data is substantially larger 
            than the second eigenvalue of data under the assumed IRT model

Second eigenvalue in the observed data: 0.2254
Average of second eigenvalues in Monte Carlo samples: 0.252
Monte Carlo samples: 100
p-value: 0.6139
Show code

rasch(data = LSAT, constraint = NULL)

Model Summary:
   log.Lik      AIC      BIC
 -2466.938 4945.875 4975.322

                value std.err   z.vals
Dffclt.Item 1 -3.6153  0.3266 -11.0680
Dffclt.Item 2 -1.3224  0.1422  -9.3009
Dffclt.Item 3 -0.3176  0.0977  -3.2518
Dffclt.Item 4 -1.7301  0.1691 -10.2290
Dffclt.Item 5 -2.7802  0.2510 -11.0743
Dscrmn         0.7551  0.0694  10.8757

method: Gauss-Hermite
quadrature points: 21 

Convergence: 0 
max(|grad|): 2.9e-05 
quasi-Newton: BFGS 
Show code
coef(mod_1pl, prob = TRUE, order = TRUE)
           Dffclt    Dscrmn P(x=1|z=0)
Item 1 -3.6152665 0.7551347  0.9387746
Item 5 -2.7801716 0.7551347  0.8908453
Item 4 -1.7300903 0.7551347  0.7869187
Item 2 -1.3224208 0.7551347  0.7307844
Item 3 -0.3176306 0.7551347  0.5596777
Show code
anova(mod_rasch, mod_1pl)

 Likelihood Ratio Table
              AIC     BIC  log.Lik   LRT df p.value
mod_rasch 4956.11 4980.65 -2473.05                 
mod_1pl   4945.88 4975.32 -2466.94 12.23  1  <0.001
Show code
margins(mod_1pl, type = "three-way", nprint = 2)

rasch(data = LSAT, constraint = NULL)

Fit on the Three-Way Margins

Response: (0,0,0)
  Item i Item j Item k Obs   Exp (O-E)^2/E  
1      1      3      5   6  9.40      1.23  
2      3      4      5  30 25.85      0.67  

Response: (1,0,0)
  Item i Item j Item k Obs   Exp (O-E)^2/E  
1      2      4      5  28 22.75      1.21  
2      2      3      4  81 74.44      0.58  

Response: (0,1,0)
  Item i Item j Item k Obs  Exp (O-E)^2/E  
1      1      2      5   3 7.58      2.76  
2      1      3      4   5 9.21      1.92  

Response: (1,1,0)
  Item i Item j Item k Obs   Exp (O-E)^2/E  
1      2      4      5  51 57.49      0.73  
2      3      4      5  48 42.75      0.64  

Response: (0,0,1)
  Item i Item j Item k Obs    Exp (O-E)^2/E  
1      1      3      5  41  33.07      1.90  
2      2      3      4 108 101.28      0.45  

Response: (1,0,1)
  Item i Item j Item k Obs    Exp (O-E)^2/E  
1      2      3      4 210 218.91      0.36  
2      1      2      4 190 185.56      0.11  

Response: (0,1,1)
  Item i Item j Item k Obs   Exp (O-E)^2/E  
1      1      3      5  23 28.38      1.02  
2      1      4      5  46 42.51      0.29  

Response: (1,1,1)
  Item i Item j Item k Obs    Exp (O-E)^2/E  
1      1      2      4 520 526.36      0.08  
2      1      2      3 398 393.30      0.06  

2 Parameter Logistics Model (2PL)

Show code
mod_2pl <- ltm(LSAT ~ z1)

ltm(formula = LSAT ~ z1)

Model Summary:
   log.Lik      AIC      BIC
 -2466.653 4953.307 5002.384

                value std.err  z.vals
Dffclt.Item 1 -3.3597  0.8669 -3.8754
Dffclt.Item 2 -1.3696  0.3073 -4.4565
Dffclt.Item 3 -0.2799  0.0997 -2.8083
Dffclt.Item 4 -1.8659  0.4341 -4.2982
Dffclt.Item 5 -3.1236  0.8700 -3.5904
Dscrmn.Item 1  0.8254  0.2581  3.1983
Dscrmn.Item 2  0.7229  0.1867  3.8721
Dscrmn.Item 3  0.8905  0.2326  3.8281
Dscrmn.Item 4  0.6886  0.1852  3.7186
Dscrmn.Item 5  0.6575  0.2100  3.1306

method: Gauss-Hermite
quadrature points: 21 

Convergence: 0 
max(|grad|): 0.024 
quasi-Newton: BFGS 
Show code
anova(mod_1pl, mod_2pl)

 Likelihood Ratio Table
            AIC     BIC  log.Lik  LRT df p.value
mod_1pl 4945.88 4975.32 -2466.94                
mod_2pl 4953.31 5002.38 -2466.65 0.57  4   0.967
Show code
par(mfrow = c(2, 3))

plot(mod_2pl, type=c("ICC"), 
     legend = TRUE, cx = "bottomright", lwd = 2, 
     cex.main = 1.5, cex.lab = 1.3, cex = 0.6, main = "2PL Item Characteristics Curve")

     legend = TRUE, cx = "topright", lwd = 2,
     cex.main = 1.5, cex.lab = 1.3, cex = 0.6, main = "2PL Item Information Curve")

plot(mod_2pl,type=c("IIC"),items=c(0), lwd = 2,
     cex.main = 1.5, cex.lab = 1.3, cex = 0.6, main = "Test Information Function")

plot(0:1, 0:1, type = "n", ann = FALSE, axes = FALSE)
info1_2pl <- information(mod_2pl, c(-4, 0)) #Item information on the negative area of theta (-4 to 0)
info2_2pl <- information(mod_2pl, c(0, 4)) #Item information on the positive area of theta (0 to 4)
text(0.5, 0.5, labels = paste("Total Information:", round(info1_2pl$InfoTotal, 3),
                               "\n\nInformation in (-4, 0):", round(info1_2pl$InfoRange, 3),
                               paste("(", round(100 * info1_2pl$PropRange, 2), "%)", sep = ""),
                               "\n\nInformation in (0, 4):", round(info2_2pl$InfoRange, 3),
                               paste("(", round(100 * info2_2pl$PropRange, 2), "%)", sep = "")))

   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
-1.8953 -1.0026 -0.5397 -0.6629 -0.3572  0.6064 
Show code
plot(theta.2pl, main = "Latent ability scores of the participants 2PL")

unitest_2pl <- unidimTest(mod_2pl,LSAT)
plot(unitest_2pl, type = "b", pch = 1:2)
legend("topright", c("Real Data", "Average Simulated Data"), lty = 1, 
    pch = 1:2, col = 1:2, bty = "n")

Show code

Unidimensionality Check using Modified Parallel Analysis

ltm(formula = LSAT ~ z1)

Matrix of tertachoric correlations
       Item 1 Item 2 Item 3 Item 4 Item 5
Item 1 1.0000 0.1703 0.2275 0.1072 0.0665
Item 2 0.1703 1.0000 0.1891 0.1111 0.1724
Item 3 0.2275 0.1891 1.0000 0.1867 0.1055
Item 4 0.1072 0.1111 0.1867 1.0000 0.2009
Item 5 0.0665 0.1724 0.1055 0.2009 1.0000

Alternative hypothesis: the second eigenvalue of the observed data is substantially larger 
            than the second eigenvalue of data under the assumed IRT model

Second eigenvalue in the observed data: 0.2254
Average of second eigenvalues in Monte Carlo samples: 0.2576
Monte Carlo samples: 100
p-value: 0.6337

3 Parameter Logistics Model (3PL)

Show code
mod_3pl <- tpm(LSAT, type = "latent.trait", max.guessing = 1)


tpm(data = LSAT, type = "latent.trait", max.guessing = 1)

Model Summary:
  log.Lik      AIC      BIC
 -2466.66 4963.319 5036.935

                value std.err  z.vals
Gussng.Item 1  0.0374  0.8650  0.0432
Gussng.Item 2  0.0777  2.5282  0.0307
Gussng.Item 3  0.0118  0.2815  0.0419
Gussng.Item 4  0.0353  0.5769  0.0612
Gussng.Item 5  0.0532  1.5596  0.0341
Dffclt.Item 1 -3.2965  1.7788 -1.8532
Dffclt.Item 2 -1.1451  7.5166 -0.1523
Dffclt.Item 3 -0.2490  0.7527 -0.3308
Dffclt.Item 4 -1.7658  1.6162 -1.0925
Dffclt.Item 5 -2.9902  4.0606 -0.7364
Dscrmn.Item 1  0.8286  0.2877  2.8797
Dscrmn.Item 2  0.7604  1.3774  0.5520
Dscrmn.Item 3  0.9016  0.4190  2.1516
Dscrmn.Item 4  0.7007  0.2574  2.7219
Dscrmn.Item 5  0.6658  0.3282  2.0284

method: Gauss-Hermite
quadrature points: 21 

Optimizer: optim (BFGS)
Convergence: 0 
max(|grad|): 0.028 
Show code
par(mfrow = c(2, 3))

plot(mod_3pl, type=c("ICC"), 
     legend = TRUE, cx = "bottomright", lwd = 2, 
     cex.main = 1.5, cex.lab = 1.3, cex = 0.6, main = "3PL Item Characteristics Curve")

     legend = TRUE, cx = "topright", lwd = 2,
     cex.main = 1.5, cex.lab = 1.3, cex = 0.6, main = "3PL Item Information Curve")


plot(0:1, 0:1, type = "n", ann = FALSE, axes = FALSE)
info1_3pl <- information(mod_3pl, c(-4, 0)) #Item information on the negative area of theta (-4 to 0)
info2_3pl <- information(mod_3pl, c(0, 4)) #Item information on the positive area of theta (0 to 4)
text(0.5, 0.5, labels = paste("Total Information:", round(info1_3pl$InfoTotal, 3),
                               "\n\nInformation in (-4, 0):", round(info1_3pl$InfoRange, 3),
                               paste("(", round(100 * info1_3pl$PropRange, 2), "%)", sep = ""),
                               "\n\nInformation in (0, 4):", round(info2_3pl$InfoRange, 3),
                               paste("(", round(100 * info2_3pl$PropRange, 2), "%)", sep = "")))

   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
-1.8706 -0.9992 -0.5368 -0.6584 -0.3590  0.6116 
Show code
plot(theta.3pl, main = "Latent ability scores of the participants 3PL")

unitest_3pl <- unidimTest(mod_3pl,LSAT)
plot(unitest_3pl, type = "b", pch = 1:2)
legend("topright", c("Real Data", "Average Simulated Data"), lty = 1, 
    pch = 1:2, col = 1:2, bty = "n")

Show code

Unidimensionality Check using Modified Parallel Analysis

tpm(data = LSAT, type = "latent.trait", max.guessing = 1)

Matrix of tertachoric correlations
       Item 1 Item 2 Item 3 Item 4 Item 5
Item 1 1.0000 0.1703 0.2275 0.1072 0.0665
Item 2 0.1703 1.0000 0.1891 0.1111 0.1724
Item 3 0.2275 0.1891 1.0000 0.1867 0.1055
Item 4 0.1072 0.1111 0.1867 1.0000 0.2009
Item 5 0.0665 0.1724 0.1055 0.2009 1.0000

Alternative hypothesis: the second eigenvalue of the observed data is substantially larger 
            than the second eigenvalue of data under the assumed IRT model

Second eigenvalue in the observed data: 0.2254
Average of second eigenvalues in Monte Carlo samples: 0.2465
Monte Carlo samples: 100
p-value: 0.5743
Show code
anova(mod_1pl, mod_3pl)

 Likelihood Ratio Table
            AIC     BIC  log.Lik  LRT df p.value
mod_1pl 4945.88 4975.32 -2466.94                
mod_3pl 4963.32 5036.94 -2466.66 0.56  9       1
Show code

rasch(data = LSAT, constraint = NULL)

Scoring Method: Empirical Bayes

Factor-Scores for observed response patterns:
   Item 1 Item 2 Item 3 Item 4 Item 5 Obs     Exp     z1 se.z1
1       0      0      0      0      0   3   2.364 -1.910 0.790
2       0      0      0      0      1   6   5.468 -1.439 0.793
3       0      0      0      1      0   2   2.474 -1.439 0.793
4       0      0      0      1      1  11   8.249 -0.959 0.801
5       0      0      1      0      0   1   0.852 -1.439 0.793
6       0      0      1      0      1   1   2.839 -0.959 0.801
7       0      0      1      1      0   3   1.285 -0.959 0.801
8       0      0      1      1      1   4   6.222 -0.466 0.816
9       0      1      0      0      0   1   1.819 -1.439 0.793
10      0      1      0      0      1   8   6.063 -0.959 0.801
11      0      1      0      1      1  16  13.288 -0.466 0.816
12      0      1      1      0      1   3   4.574 -0.466 0.816
13      0      1      1      1      0   2   2.070 -0.466 0.816
14      0      1      1      1      1  15  14.749  0.049 0.836
15      1      0      0      0      0  10  10.273 -1.439 0.793
16      1      0      0      0      1  29  34.249 -0.959 0.801
17      1      0      0      1      0  14  15.498 -0.959 0.801
18      1      0      0      1      1  81  75.060 -0.466 0.816
19      1      0      1      0      0   3   5.334 -0.959 0.801
20      1      0      1      0      1  28  25.834 -0.466 0.816
21      1      0      1      1      0  15  11.690 -0.466 0.816
22      1      0      1      1      1  80  83.310  0.049 0.836
23      1      1      0      0      0  16  11.391 -0.959 0.801
24      1      1      0      0      1  56  55.171 -0.466 0.816
25      1      1      0      1      0  21  24.965 -0.466 0.816
26      1      1      0      1      1 173 177.918  0.049 0.836
27      1      1      1      0      0  11   8.592 -0.466 0.816
28      1      1      1      0      1  61  61.235  0.049 0.836
29      1      1      1      1      0  28  27.709  0.049 0.836
30      1      1      1      1      1 298 295.767  0.593 0.862
Show code
factor.scores(mod_1pl, resp.patterns = rbind(c(1,1,1,1,1), c(0,0,0,0,0)))

rasch(data = LSAT, constraint = NULL)

Scoring Method: Empirical Bayes

Factor-Scores for specified response patterns:
  Item 1 Item 2 Item 3 Item 4 Item 5 Obs     Exp     z1 se.z1
1      1      1      1      1      1 298 295.767  0.593 0.862
2      0      0      0      0      0   3   2.364 -1.910 0.790

Polytomous Item

Show code

Descriptive statistics for the 'Environment' data-set

 6 items and 291 sample units; 0 missing values

Proportions for each level of response:
             very concerned slightly concerned not very concerned
LeadPetrol           0.6151             0.3265             0.0584
RiverSea             0.8007             0.1753             0.0241
RadioWaste           0.7457             0.1924             0.0619
AirPollution         0.6495             0.3196             0.0309
Chemicals            0.7491             0.1924             0.0584
Nuclear              0.5155             0.3265             0.1581

Frequencies of total scores:
      6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Freq 96 51 37 27 26 18 13  7  6  6  1  1  2

Cronbach's alpha:
All Items              0.8215
Excluding LeadPetrol   0.8218
Excluding RiverSea     0.7990
Excluding RadioWaste   0.7767
Excluding AirPollution 0.7751
Excluding Chemicals    0.7790
Excluding Nuclear      0.8058

Pairwise Associations:
   Item i Item j p.value
1       1      2   0.001
2       1      3   0.001
3       1      4   0.001
4       1      5   0.001
5       1      6   0.001
6       2      3   0.001
7       2      4   0.001
8       2      5   0.001
9       2      6   0.001
10      3      4   0.001
Show code
rcor.test(Environment, method = "kendall")

             LeadPetrol RiverSea RadioWaste AirPollution Chemicals
LeadPetrol    *****      0.385    0.260      0.457        0.305   
RiverSea     <0.001      *****    0.399      0.548        0.403   
RadioWaste   <0.001     <0.001    *****      0.506        0.623   
AirPollution <0.001     <0.001   <0.001      *****        0.504   
Chemicals    <0.001     <0.001   <0.001     <0.001        *****   
Nuclear      <0.001     <0.001   <0.001     <0.001       <0.001   
LeadPetrol    0.279 
RiverSea      0.320 
RadioWaste    0.484 
AirPollution  0.382 
Chemicals     0.463 
Nuclear       ***** 

upper diagonal part contains correlation coefficient estimates 
lower diagonal part contains corresponding p-values

Partial Credit Model

Show code
mod_pcm_rasch <- gpcm(Environment, constraint = "rasch")

gpcm(data = Environment, constraint = "rasch")

Model Summary:
   log.Lik      AIC      BIC
 -1147.176 2318.351 2362.431

        value std.err z.value
Catgr.1 0.680   0.153   4.450
Catgr.2 2.785   0.292   9.541
Dscrmn  1.000      NA      NA

        value std.err z.value
Catgr.1 1.822   0.180  10.149
Catgr.2 3.385   0.435   7.781
Dscrmn  1.000      NA      NA

        value std.err z.value
Catgr.1 1.542   0.174   8.879
Catgr.2 2.328   0.302   7.709
Dscrmn  1.000      NA      NA

        value std.err z.value
Catgr.1 0.822   0.153   5.363
Catgr.2 3.517   0.376   9.343
Dscrmn  1.000      NA      NA

        value std.err z.value
Catgr.1 1.555   0.174   8.949
Catgr.2 2.399   0.308   7.788
Dscrmn  1.000      NA      NA

        value std.err z.value
Catgr.1 0.316   0.156   2.029
Catgr.2 1.498   0.208   7.218
Dscrmn  1.000      NA      NA

method: Gauss-Hermite
quadrature points: 21 

Convergence: 0 
max(|grad|): 0.0079 
optimizer: nlminb 
Show code
coef(mod_pcm_rasch, prob = TRUE, order = TRUE)
             Catgr.1 Catgr.2 Dscrmn
LeadPetrol     0.680   2.785      1
RiverSea       1.822   3.385      1
RadioWaste     1.542   2.328      1
AirPollution   0.822   3.517      1
Chemicals      1.555   2.399      1
Nuclear        0.316   1.498      1
Show code
GoF.gpcm(mod_pcm_rasch, B = 199) # B = Bootstrap sample

Parametric Bootstrap Approximation to Pearson chi-squared Goodness-of-Fit Measure

gpcm(data = Environment, constraint = "rasch")

Tobs: 1001.41 
# data-sets: 200 
p-value: 0.07 
Show code

gpcm(data = Environment, constraint = "rasch")

Fit on the Two-Way Margins

             LeadPetrol RiverSea RadioWaste AirPollution Chemicals
LeadPetrol   <NA>       35.47     3.04      34.43         7.41    
RiverSea     ***        <NA>     20.07      77.50        18.75    
RadioWaste                       <NA>       44.64        68.12    
AirPollution ***        ***      ***        <NA>         33.29    
Chemicals                        ***        ***          <NA>     
Nuclear                          ***                              
LeadPetrol    4.71  
RiverSea     10.36  
RadioWaste   43.35  
AirPollution 16.56  
Chemicals    27.68  
Nuclear      <NA>   

'***' denotes pairs of items with lack-of-fit

Graded Response Model

Show code
mod_grm <- grm(Environment, constrained = TRUE)

grm(data = Environment, constrained = TRUE)

Model Summary:
   log.Lik      AIC      BIC
 -1106.193 2238.386 2286.139

Extrmt1 0.395
Extrmt2 1.988
Dscrmn  2.218

Extrmt1 1.060
Extrmt2 2.560
Dscrmn  2.218

Extrmt1 0.832
Extrmt2 1.997
Dscrmn  2.218

Extrmt1 0.483
Extrmt2 2.448
Dscrmn  2.218

Extrmt1 0.855
Extrmt2 2.048
Dscrmn  2.218

Extrmt1 0.062
Extrmt2 1.266
Dscrmn  2.218

method: Gauss-Hermite
quadrature points: 21 

Convergence: 0 
max(|grad|): 0.0049 
quasi-Newton: BFGS 
Show code

grm(data = Environment, constrained = TRUE)

Fit on the Two-Way Margins

             LeadPetrol RiverSea RadioWaste AirPollution Chemicals
LeadPetrol   -          10.03     9.98       5.19         7.85    
RiverSea                -         5.06      17.12         2.56    
RadioWaste                       -           6.78        20.60    
AirPollution                                -             4.49    
Chemicals                                                -        
LeadPetrol   16.93  
RiverSea      7.14  
RadioWaste   12.09  
AirPollution  4.57  
Chemicals     3.85  
Nuclear      -      
Show code
margins(mod_grm, type = "three")

grm(data = Environment, constrained = TRUE)

Fit on the Three-Way Margins

   Item i Item j Item k (O-E)^2/E  
1       1      2      3     28.52  
2       1      2      4     34.26  
3       1      2      5     29.91  
4       1      2      6     42.74  
5       1      3      4     33.03  
6       1      3      5     66.72  
7       1      3      6     65.31  
8       1      4      5     25.48  
9       1      4      6     34.46  
10      1      5      6     39.49  
11      2      3      4     29.63  
12      2      3      5     37.74  
13      2      3      6     32.50  
14      2      4      5     27.08  
15      2      4      6     36.77  
16      2      5      6     19.49  
17      3      4      5     38.99  
18      3      4      6     26.91  
19      3      5      6     39.62  
20      4      5      6     22.25  
Show code
mod_grm_unconstrained <- grm(Environment) #unconstrained GRM


grm(data = Environment)

Model Summary:
   log.Lik      AIC      BIC
 -1090.404 2216.807 2282.927

Extrmt1 0.487
Extrmt2 2.584
Dscrmn  1.378

Extrmt1 1.058
Extrmt2 2.499
Dscrmn  2.341

Extrmt1 0.779
Extrmt2 1.793
Dscrmn  3.123

Extrmt1 0.457
Extrmt2 2.157
Dscrmn  3.283

Extrmt1 0.809
Extrmt2 1.868
Dscrmn  2.947

Extrmt1 0.073
Extrmt2 1.427
Dscrmn  1.761

method: Gauss-Hermite
quadrature points: 21 

Convergence: 0 
max(|grad|): 0.003 
quasi-Newton: BFGS 
Show code
anova(mod_grm, mod_grm_unconstrained)

 Likelihood Ratio Table
                          AIC     BIC  log.Lik   LRT df p.value
mod_grm               2238.39 2286.14 -1106.19                 
mod_grm_unconstrained 2216.81 2282.93 -1090.40 31.58  5  <0.001
Show code
par(mar=c(2,6,2,2), mfrow = c(3, 3))

plot(mod_grm_unconstrained, lwd = 2, cex = 0.6, legend = TRUE, cx = "left", 
     xlab = "Latent Trait", cex.main = 0.7, cex.lab = 0.7, cex.axis = 1)


plot(mod_grm_unconstrained, type = "IIC", lwd = 2, cex = 0.6, legend = TRUE, cx = "topleft",
     xlab = "Latent Trait", cex.main = 0.7, cex.lab = 0.7, cex.axis = 1)

plot(mod_grm_unconstrained, type = "IIC", items = 0, lwd = 2, xlab = "Latent Trait",cex.main = 0.7, cex.lab = 0.7, cex.axis = 1)

info3 <- information(mod_grm_unconstrained, c(-4, 0))
info4 <- information(mod_grm_unconstrained, c(0, 4))

text(-1.9, 8, labels = paste("Information in (-4, 0):",
                             paste(round(100 * info3$PropRange, 1), "%", sep = ""),
                             "\n\nInformation in (0, 4):",
                             paste(round(100 * info4$PropRange, 1), "%", sep = "")), cex = 0.5)

Show code
information(mod_grm_unconstrained, c(-4, 4))

grm(data = Environment)

Total Information = 26.97
Information in (-4, 4) = 26.7 (98.97%)
Based on all the items
Show code
information(mod_grm_unconstrained, c(-4, 4), items = c(1, 6)) #for item 1 and 6

grm(data = Environment)

Total Information = 5.36
Information in (-4, 4) = 5.17 (96.38%)
Based on items 1, 6
Show code
par(mar=c(2,6,2,2), mfrow = c(2, 2))

plot(mod_grm_unconstrained, category = 1, lwd = 2, cex = 0.7, legend = TRUE, cx = -4.5,
     cy = 0.85, xlab = "Latent Trait", cex.main = 0.7, cex.lab = 0.7,
     cex.axis = 1)

for (ctg in 2:3) 
  plot(mod_grm_unconstrained, category = ctg, lwd = 2, cex = 0.5, annot = FALSE,
      xlab = "Latent Trait", cex.main = 0.7, cex.lab = 0.7,
      cex.axis = 1)


Hambleton and Jones (1993) did a really great job in comparing the difference between CTT and IRT in their work. I have presented the table below for your information.

The Comparison between CTT and IRT Models (Hambleton & Jones, 1993, p.43)
Area Classical Test Theory Item Response Theory
Model Linear Non-linear
Level Test Item
Assumptions Weak (i.e., easy to fit with test data) Strong (i.e., more difficult to meet with test data)
Item-Ability Relationship Not Specified Item Characteristics Function
Examinee Ability Represented by test scores or estimated true scores Represented by latent ability (Theta/θ)
Invariance of item and person statistics Unavailable / item and person parameters are sample dependent Item and person parameters are sample dependent if the model fits the data
Item Statistics

p = item difficulty

r = item discrimination

Item discrimination (a), Item difficulty (b), guessing parameter (c)
Sample Size (for item parameter estimation) 200-500 More than 500


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For attribution, please cite this work as

Wongvorachan (2022, May 15). Tarid Wongvorachan: Item Response Theory. Retrieved from

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  author = {Wongvorachan, Tarid},
  title = {Tarid Wongvorachan: Item Response Theory},
  url = {},
  year = {2022}