Leveraging a Large-Scale Educational Data Set with Educational Data Mining

R Python Supervised Machine Learning

In this post, I will be predicting students’ high school dropout rate through a large-scale educational data set.

(10 min read)


Aug. 6, 2022


Wongvorachan, 2022


Figure 1. Variable Type and Missing Data

Data Preprocessing

Show code

hsls_30_rf <-read_csv("hsls_30percent_imputed_rf.csv", col_names = TRUE)
Show code
hsls_30_rf <- hsls_30_rf %>% 
  as.data.frame() %>%
  mutate(across(c(X1SEX, X1RACE, X1MOMRESP, 
                  X1MOMEDU, X1MOMRACE, X1DADRESP, 
                  X1DADEDU, X1DADRACE, X1HHNUMBER, 
                  X1LOCALE, X1REGION, S1NOHWDN, 
                  S1NOPAPER, S1NOBOOKS, S1LATE, 
                  S1PAYOFF, S1GETINTOCLG, S1AFFORD, 
                  P1ATTEND, P1PERFORM, P1HWOFTEN, 
                  X4EVERDROP, X4PSENRSTLV), as.factor))
Show code
correlation_30_rf <-rcorr(as.matrix(hsls_30_rf))

corrplot(correlation_30_rf$r, type = "upper", order = "hclust", 
         p.mat = correlation_30_rf$P, insig = "pch", pch = 4, pch.cex = 1,
         tl.col = "black", tl.cex = 0.5, tl.srt = 90)

Show code
Show code
correlation_30_rf_final <-rcorr(as.matrix(hsls_30_rf_final))

corrplot(correlation_30_rf_final$r, type = "upper", order = "hclust", 
         p.mat = correlation_30_rf_final$P, insig = "pch", pch = 4, pch.cex = 1,
         tl.col = "black", tl.cex = 0.5, tl.srt = 90)

Data Augmentation

Show code
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
from collections import Counter

from sklearn.manifold import TSNE

import warnings

Show code
df = r.hsls_30_rf_final

df['X4EVERDROP'] = np.where(df['X4EVERDROP'] == "0", 0, 1)

0        5        5  1.5644  ...          1           0            1
1        3        2 -0.3699  ...          1           0            0
2        7        0  1.2741  ...          1           0            1
3        4        0  0.1495  ...          1           1            2
4        3        3  1.0639  ...          1           0            1

[5 rows x 38 columns]
Show code
X_extreme = df.drop('X4EVERDROP', axis=1)
y_extreme = df['X4EVERDROP']

print("The proportion of target variable's class :", Counter(y_extreme))
The proportion of target variable's class : Counter({0: 14133, 1: 2004})
Show code
tsne = TSNE(n_components=2, random_state=RANDOM_STATE)

TSNE_result = tsne.fit_transform(X_extreme)

sns.scatterplot(TSNE_result[:,0], TSNE_result[:,1], hue=y_extreme, legend='full', palette="hls")


Show code

sns.countplot(x="X4EVERDROP", data = df)

Show code
from imblearn.over_sampling import SMOTENC
from imblearn.under_sampling import RandomUnderSampler 
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

smote_nc = SMOTENC(random_state=RANDOM_STATE, sampling_strategy=0.8,
                    categorical_features=[0, 1, 10, 11, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36])

rus_hybrid = RandomUnderSampler(random_state=RANDOM_STATE, sampling_strategy='not minority')

X_smote_extreme, y_smote_extreme = smote_nc.fit_resample(X_extreme, y_extreme)

X_hybrid_extreme, y_hybrid_extreme = rus_hybrid.fit_resample(X_smote_extreme, y_smote_extreme)

print("For Y extreme :", Counter(y_extreme))
For Y extreme : Counter({0: 14133, 1: 2004})
Show code
print("For Y smote extreme :", Counter(y_smote_extreme))
For Y smote extreme : Counter({0: 14133, 1: 11306})
Show code
print("For Y hybrid extreme :", Counter(y_hybrid_extreme))
For Y hybrid extreme : Counter({0: 11306, 1: 11306})
Show code
X_train_hybrid_ext, X_test_hybrid_ext, y_train_hybrid_ext, y_test_hybrid_ext = train_test_split(X_hybrid_extreme, y_hybrid_extreme, test_size = 0.30, random_state = RANDOM_STATE)
Show code
TSNE_result = tsne.fit_transform(X_hybrid_extreme)

sns.scatterplot(TSNE_result[:,0], TSNE_result[:,1], hue=y_hybrid_extreme, legend='full', palette="hls")


Show code


Show code
from sklearn.feature_selection import RFECV
from catboost import CatBoostClassifier
from sklearn.model_selection import RandomizedSearchCV
Show code
CBC = CatBoostClassifier(random_state=RANDOM_STATE)

parameters = {'depth'         : [4,5,6,7,8,9,10],
              'learning_rate' : [0.01,0.02,0.03,0.04,0.05],
              'iterations'    : [10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100]

cat_features = [0, 1, 10, 11, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36]

Cat_random = RandomizedSearchCV(estimator = CBC, 
                                param_distributions = parameters, 
                                n_iter = 10, cv = 3, verbose=0, 
                                random_state = RANDOM_STATE, error_score='raise')

Cat_random.fit(X_train_hybrid_ext, y_train_hybrid_ext, cat_features = cat_features)
RandomizedSearchCV(cv=3, error_score='raise',
                   estimator=<catboost.core.CatBoostClassifier object at 0x0000028365650880>,
                   param_distributions={'depth': [4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10],
                                        'iterations': [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60,
                                                       70, 80, 90, 100],
                                        'learning_rate': [0.01, 0.02, 0.03,
                                                          0.04, 0.05]},
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Show code
print(" Results from Grid Search " )
 Results from Grid Search 
Show code
print("\n The best estimator across ALL searched params:\n",Cat_random.best_estimator_)

 The best estimator across ALL searched params:
 <catboost.core.CatBoostClassifier object at 0x000002835DA96BE0>
Show code
print("\n The best score across ALL searched params:\n",Cat_random.best_score_)

 The best score across ALL searched params:
Show code
print("\n The best parameters across ALL searched params:\n",Cat_random.best_params_)

 The best parameters across ALL searched params:
 {'learning_rate': 0.05, 'iterations': 80, 'depth': 8}
Show code
CBC_tuned = CatBoostClassifier(learning_rate = 0.05, iterations = 80, depth = 8, random_state=RANDOM_STATE)

CBC_tuned.fit(X_train_hybrid_ext, y_train_hybrid_ext, cat_features = cat_features)
0:  learn: 0.6665327    total: 79ms remaining: 6.24s
1:  learn: 0.6464428    total: 157ms    remaining: 6.11s
2:  learn: 0.6274255    total: 236ms    remaining: 6.07s
3:  learn: 0.6038900    total: 327ms    remaining: 6.21s
4:  learn: 0.5853056    total: 421ms    remaining: 6.31s
5:  learn: 0.5711453    total: 519ms    remaining: 6.4s
6:  learn: 0.5518932    total: 612ms    remaining: 6.38s
7:  learn: 0.5371312    total: 715ms    remaining: 6.44s
8:  learn: 0.5246082    total: 814ms    remaining: 6.42s
9:  learn: 0.5108871    total: 916ms    remaining: 6.41s
10: learn: 0.5017540    total: 1.03s    remaining: 6.46s
11: learn: 0.4914030    total: 1.13s    remaining: 6.39s
12: learn: 0.4829017    total: 1.23s    remaining: 6.34s
13: learn: 0.4753740    total: 1.34s    remaining: 6.31s
14: learn: 0.4684517    total: 1.45s    remaining: 6.28s
15: learn: 0.4595894    total: 1.56s    remaining: 6.25s
16: learn: 0.4516042    total: 1.67s    remaining: 6.17s
17: learn: 0.4452736    total: 1.77s    remaining: 6.1s
18: learn: 0.4382162    total: 1.88s    remaining: 6.02s
19: learn: 0.4326054    total: 1.97s    remaining: 5.92s
20: learn: 0.4268372    total: 2.08s    remaining: 5.86s
21: learn: 0.4202041    total: 2.19s    remaining: 5.78s
22: learn: 0.4167642    total: 2.31s    remaining: 5.73s
23: learn: 0.4122437    total: 2.41s    remaining: 5.63s
24: learn: 0.4093793    total: 2.51s    remaining: 5.53s
25: learn: 0.4039919    total: 2.62s    remaining: 5.44s
26: learn: 0.4004563    total: 2.73s    remaining: 5.37s
27: learn: 0.3975197    total: 2.85s    remaining: 5.29s
28: learn: 0.3932144    total: 2.98s    remaining: 5.24s
29: learn: 0.3904852    total: 3.1s remaining: 5.16s
30: learn: 0.3880708    total: 3.21s    remaining: 5.08s
31: learn: 0.3859222    total: 3.31s    remaining: 4.96s
32: learn: 0.3831005    total: 3.41s    remaining: 4.86s
33: learn: 0.3810144    total: 3.53s    remaining: 4.77s
34: learn: 0.3785504    total: 3.66s    remaining: 4.71s
35: learn: 0.3761624    total: 3.77s    remaining: 4.61s
36: learn: 0.3737088    total: 3.88s    remaining: 4.51s
37: learn: 0.3712488    total: 4s   remaining: 4.42s
38: learn: 0.3685311    total: 4.1s remaining: 4.31s
39: learn: 0.3662991    total: 4.2s remaining: 4.2s
40: learn: 0.3634880    total: 4.33s    remaining: 4.12s
41: learn: 0.3606838    total: 4.43s    remaining: 4.01s
42: learn: 0.3587348    total: 4.56s    remaining: 3.92s
43: learn: 0.3567398    total: 4.66s    remaining: 3.81s
44: learn: 0.3548707    total: 4.78s    remaining: 3.72s
45: learn: 0.3520839    total: 4.88s    remaining: 3.61s
46: learn: 0.3492787    total: 4.98s    remaining: 3.5s
47: learn: 0.3467724    total: 5.08s    remaining: 3.39s
48: learn: 0.3430803    total: 5.18s    remaining: 3.28s
49: learn: 0.3411632    total: 5.3s remaining: 3.18s
50: learn: 0.3396453    total: 5.41s    remaining: 3.07s
51: learn: 0.3377685    total: 5.51s    remaining: 2.97s
52: learn: 0.3362602    total: 5.66s    remaining: 2.88s
53: learn: 0.3349568    total: 5.77s    remaining: 2.78s
54: learn: 0.3336092    total: 5.88s    remaining: 2.67s
55: learn: 0.3318186    total: 5.98s    remaining: 2.56s
56: learn: 0.3287766    total: 6.13s    remaining: 2.47s
57: learn: 0.3268753    total: 6.23s    remaining: 2.36s
58: learn: 0.3251920    total: 6.36s    remaining: 2.26s
59: learn: 0.3227292    total: 6.47s    remaining: 2.16s
60: learn: 0.3213152    total: 6.58s    remaining: 2.05s
61: learn: 0.3192716    total: 6.68s    remaining: 1.94s
62: learn: 0.3183261    total: 6.8s remaining: 1.83s
63: learn: 0.3171622    total: 6.9s remaining: 1.73s
64: learn: 0.3159563    total: 7s   remaining: 1.62s
65: learn: 0.3143367    total: 7.11s    remaining: 1.51s
66: learn: 0.3133019    total: 7.21s    remaining: 1.4s
67: learn: 0.3122973    total: 7.32s    remaining: 1.29s
68: learn: 0.3103480    total: 7.42s    remaining: 1.18s
69: learn: 0.3093429    total: 7.54s    remaining: 1.08s
70: learn: 0.3081943    total: 7.65s    remaining: 969ms
71: learn: 0.3067472    total: 7.76s    remaining: 862ms
72: learn: 0.3058445    total: 7.86s    remaining: 754ms
73: learn: 0.3047133    total: 7.98s    remaining: 647ms
74: learn: 0.3035925    total: 8.08s    remaining: 539ms
75: learn: 0.3022633    total: 8.19s    remaining: 431ms
76: learn: 0.3011552    total: 8.29s    remaining: 323ms
77: learn: 0.2998250    total: 8.41s    remaining: 216ms
78: learn: 0.2985347    total: 8.51s    remaining: 108ms
79: learn: 0.2977599    total: 8.62s    remaining: 0us
<catboost.core.CatBoostClassifier object at 0x0000028365597730>
Show code
rfecv_model = RFECV(estimator=CBC_tuned, step=1, cv=5 ,scoring='accuracy')
rfecv = rfecv_model.fit(X_train_hybrid_ext, y_train_hybrid_ext)

print('Optimal number of features :', rfecv.n_features_)
print('Best features :', X_train_hybrid_ext.columns[rfecv.support_])
print('Original features :', X_train_hybrid_ext.columns)

plt.figure(figsize=(10, 15), dpi=800)
plt.xlabel("Number of features selected")
plt.ylabel("Cross validation score \n of number of selected features")
plt.plot(range(1, len(rfecv.grid_scores_) + 1), rfecv.grid_scores_)

Show code
X_hybrid_extreme_trim = X_hybrid_extreme[['X1MOMEDU', 'X1DADEDU', 'X1MTHEFF', 'X1SCIUTI', 'X1SCIEFF','X1SCHOOLBEL', 'X1SCHOOLENG', 'X1STUEDEXPCT', 'X1SCHOOLCLI',

X_train_hybrid_ext, X_test_hybrid_ext, y_train_hybrid_ext, y_test_hybrid_ext = train_test_split(X_hybrid_extreme_trim, y_hybrid_extreme, test_size = 0.30, random_state = RANDOM_STATE)
Show code
cat_features_post_trim = [0, 1, 7, 12, 13, 14, 15,16, 17, 19]

CBC_tuned.fit(X_train_hybrid_ext, y_train_hybrid_ext, cat_features = cat_features_post_trim)
0:  learn: 0.6630968    total: 65.4ms   remaining: 5.17s
1:  learn: 0.6347421    total: 130ms    remaining: 5.08s
2:  learn: 0.6135360    total: 226ms    remaining: 5.8s
3:  learn: 0.5958557    total: 308ms    remaining: 5.86s
4:  learn: 0.5789939    total: 377ms    remaining: 5.66s
5:  learn: 0.5568907    total: 450ms    remaining: 5.55s
6:  learn: 0.5378680    total: 528ms    remaining: 5.5s
7:  learn: 0.5226018    total: 605ms    remaining: 5.44s
8:  learn: 0.5087498    total: 678ms    remaining: 5.35s
9:  learn: 0.5009270    total: 763ms    remaining: 5.34s
10: learn: 0.4841922    total: 838ms    remaining: 5.25s
11: learn: 0.4746953    total: 921ms    remaining: 5.22s
12: learn: 0.4681778    total: 1s   remaining: 5.17s
13: learn: 0.4612541    total: 1.1s remaining: 5.17s
14: learn: 0.4532992    total: 1.2s remaining: 5.19s
15: learn: 0.4450863    total: 1.28s    remaining: 5.13s
16: learn: 0.4375271    total: 1.38s    remaining: 5.1s
17: learn: 0.4308885    total: 1.47s    remaining: 5.07s
18: learn: 0.4254128    total: 1.56s    remaining: 5s
19: learn: 0.4213425    total: 1.65s    remaining: 4.96s
20: learn: 0.4177958    total: 1.74s    remaining: 4.89s
21: learn: 0.4131347    total: 1.83s    remaining: 4.82s
22: learn: 0.4089653    total: 1.91s    remaining: 4.73s
23: learn: 0.4055672    total: 2s   remaining: 4.67s
24: learn: 0.4030118    total: 2.1s remaining: 4.62s
25: learn: 0.3997708    total: 2.19s    remaining: 4.55s
26: learn: 0.3945504    total: 2.31s    remaining: 4.53s
27: learn: 0.3909571    total: 2.39s    remaining: 4.44s
28: learn: 0.3874681    total: 2.48s    remaining: 4.35s
29: learn: 0.3842159    total: 2.56s    remaining: 4.26s
30: learn: 0.3817295    total: 2.66s    remaining: 4.2s
31: learn: 0.3793464    total: 2.75s    remaining: 4.13s
32: learn: 0.3760956    total: 2.84s    remaining: 4.05s
33: learn: 0.3744325    total: 2.94s    remaining: 3.97s
34: learn: 0.3711698    total: 3.03s    remaining: 3.9s
35: learn: 0.3690638    total: 3.13s    remaining: 3.82s
36: learn: 0.3659461    total: 3.23s    remaining: 3.75s
37: learn: 0.3637044    total: 3.31s    remaining: 3.66s
38: learn: 0.3621688    total: 3.4s remaining: 3.58s
39: learn: 0.3601269    total: 3.49s    remaining: 3.49s
40: learn: 0.3580019    total: 3.59s    remaining: 3.42s
41: learn: 0.3567636    total: 3.68s    remaining: 3.33s
42: learn: 0.3544761    total: 3.76s    remaining: 3.23s
43: learn: 0.3505973    total: 3.85s    remaining: 3.15s
44: learn: 0.3495149    total: 3.95s    remaining: 3.07s
45: learn: 0.3476525    total: 4.04s    remaining: 2.99s
46: learn: 0.3462577    total: 4.13s    remaining: 2.9s
47: learn: 0.3445400    total: 4.21s    remaining: 2.81s
48: learn: 0.3427600    total: 4.33s    remaining: 2.74s
49: learn: 0.3408402    total: 4.43s    remaining: 2.66s
50: learn: 0.3381710    total: 4.52s    remaining: 2.57s
51: learn: 0.3364197    total: 4.63s    remaining: 2.49s
52: learn: 0.3339518    total: 4.72s    remaining: 2.4s
53: learn: 0.3311018    total: 4.82s    remaining: 2.32s
54: learn: 0.3294152    total: 4.93s    remaining: 2.24s
55: learn: 0.3280687    total: 5.03s    remaining: 2.15s
56: learn: 0.3269127    total: 5.11s    remaining: 2.06s
57: learn: 0.3252681    total: 5.21s    remaining: 1.97s
58: learn: 0.3243089    total: 5.3s remaining: 1.89s
59: learn: 0.3212165    total: 5.39s    remaining: 1.8s
60: learn: 0.3201323    total: 5.48s    remaining: 1.71s
61: learn: 0.3189120    total: 5.56s    remaining: 1.61s
62: learn: 0.3178599    total: 5.64s    remaining: 1.52s
63: learn: 0.3169985    total: 5.75s    remaining: 1.44s
64: learn: 0.3154376    total: 5.87s    remaining: 1.35s
65: learn: 0.3142858    total: 5.96s    remaining: 1.26s
66: learn: 0.3130732    total: 6.06s    remaining: 1.18s
67: learn: 0.3115498    total: 6.14s    remaining: 1.08s
68: learn: 0.3106751    total: 6.23s    remaining: 993ms
69: learn: 0.3104327    total: 6.27s    remaining: 896ms
70: learn: 0.3094918    total: 6.3s remaining: 799ms
71: learn: 0.3084260    total: 6.42s    remaining: 714ms
72: learn: 0.3070031    total: 6.51s    remaining: 624ms
73: learn: 0.3052639    total: 6.59s    remaining: 534ms
74: learn: 0.3043254    total: 6.67s    remaining: 445ms
75: learn: 0.3038159    total: 6.73s    remaining: 354ms
76: learn: 0.3029093    total: 6.82s    remaining: 266ms
77: learn: 0.3014591    total: 6.91s    remaining: 177ms
78: learn: 0.2992314    total: 7s   remaining: 88.6ms
79: learn: 0.2984094    total: 7.1s remaining: 0us
<catboost.core.CatBoostClassifier object at 0x0000028365597730>
Show code
from sklearn.metrics import roc_auc_score
from sklearn.metrics import classification_report

pred_ext = CBC_tuned.predict(X_test_hybrid_ext)

print(classification_report(y_test_hybrid_ext, pred_ext))
              precision    recall  f1-score   support

           0       0.86      0.92      0.88      3351
           1       0.91      0.85      0.88      3433

    accuracy                           0.88      6784
   macro avg       0.88      0.88      0.88      6784
weighted avg       0.88      0.88      0.88      6784
Show code
roc_auc_score(y_test_hybrid_ext, pred_ext)
Show code
from sklearn import metrics

y_pred_proba_cat = CBC_tuned.predict_proba(X_test_hybrid_ext)[::,1]
fpr_cat, tpr_cat, _ = metrics.roc_curve(y_test_hybrid_ext,  y_pred_proba_cat)

auc_cat = metrics.roc_auc_score(y_test_hybrid_ext, y_pred_proba_cat)

#create ROC curve
plt.plot(fpr_cat,tpr_cat, label="ROC_AUC="+str(auc_cat.round(3)))
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D object at 0x000002835E221820>]
Show code
plt.legend(loc="lower right")
<matplotlib.legend.Legend object at 0x00000283656576A0>
Show code
plt.ylabel('True Positive Rate')
Text(0, 0.5, 'True Positive Rate')
Show code
plt.xlabel('False Positive Rate')

# displaying the title
Text(0.5, 0, 'False Positive Rate')
Show code
plt.title("Area Under Curve")
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Area Under Curve')
Show code

Show code
from matplotlib.pyplot import figure

importances_cat = pd.Series(CBC_tuned.feature_importances_, index = X_hybrid_extreme_trim.columns)

sorted_importance_cat = importances_cat.sort_values()

#Horizontal bar plot
sorted_importance_cat.plot(kind='barh', color='lightgreen'); 
plt.xlabel('Feature Importance Score')
Text(0.5, 0, 'Feature Importance Score')
Show code
Text(0, 0.5, 'Features')
Show code
plt.title("Visualizing Important Features")
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Visualizing Important Features')
Show code
plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = (8, 4)




    Text and figures are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY 4.0. The figures that have been reused from other sources don't fall under this license and can be recognized by a note in their caption: "Figure from ...".


    For attribution, please cite this work as

    Wongvorachan (2022, Aug. 6). Tarid Wongvorachan: Leveraging a Large-Scale Educational Data Set with Educational Data Mining. Retrieved from https://taridwong.github.io/posts/2022-08-06-edm/

    BibTeX citation

      author = {Wongvorachan, Tarid},
      title = {Tarid Wongvorachan: Leveraging a Large-Scale Educational Data Set with Educational Data Mining},
      url = {https://taridwong.github.io/posts/2022-08-06-edm/},
      year = {2022}